Congratulation to Stéphan Buckland (200 m - silver medal) and Jonathan Chimier (long jump - silver medal) for their performances at the 16th African Athletics Championship. Jonathan Chimier born on the 6th of August 1982 is a long jumper who won the 2004 African Athletics Championships. His personal best jump is 8.28 meters, achieved in August 2004 in Athens. He has the long jump Mauritian record. Stéphan Buckland was born on the 2oth of June1977. His story began in 1992 with his participation in the inter college championship. He started his training sessions with Jacques Lebon ans Maxime Aunet. When he improved on the national 60m record with a 7'2 s, Jacques Dudal, the technical director of national athletics, took him under his wing. After years of hard training and sacrifice, he is proud of what he has become and "has no regrets about his career."
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